Trinity Sunday
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Trinity Sunday

Last week we marked the end of Eastertide and the gift of God’s spirit being poured out on God’s people. Today, Trinity Sunday, we begin again the journey of living as a people led by that Spirit. In John 3:1-17, Jesus makes it clear that this is not a matter of knowledge or intellectual understanding, Nicodemus, a teacher of Israel, does not know these things. He does not need knowledge, what he needs is to be in relationship with God. Isaiah 6:1-8 expresses some of the anxieties that humans experience when encountering the divine: God is so transcendent, so utterly different from us, that even the seraphs cannot look upon God, covering their faces with their wings. Neither do they allow God to see them: covering their feet (a euphemism for nakedness) with another set of wings. The prophet, “a man of unclean lips”, is afraid to be standing in God’s presence. Yet God chooses Isaiah, as we too are chosen, invited to become a part of God’s life and purpose. Our faith is not about what we believe or understand, it is about allowing the Spirit of God to lead us into an ever deeper relationship of love with God from which we move into a relationship of love with one another and with the world Christ came to restore.

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The Feast of Pentecost
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

The Feast of Pentecost

In our gospel this morning, John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15, Jesus promises his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit, also called the Advocate or Paraclete, which means the one called in aid, or called to be alongside. The Spirit will provide us with comfort and strength but also with purpose: the Spirit has a job to do with and in and through us. In Acts 2:1-21, the Spirit moves through the house (just as it moved across the waters of chaos in the beginning), fills the disciples (just as it was breathed into humanity in the creation story) and sends them out into the world. Pentecost then, is a recreation, a new beginning, but one in which we are to play our part in carrying the Spirit of God out across the world. Peter recalls the words of the prophet Joel, promising the gift of renewal and life to all without distinction, regardless of class, gender, race, religion. In today’s service, as we each take a flame from the Easter candle, we remember that God offers this gift of light, love and life to every one of us, without exception, in order that we too may offer it to every other, without exception.

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Ascension & APCM
Service, Notices, Easter Ruth Thomas Service, Notices, Easter Ruth Thomas

Ascension & APCM

“Every year each parish church is obliged to hold an Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) before the end of May. At this meeting we receive the accounts and reports for the previous year and elect those who will serve us in the year ahead.

We hold the APCM within the Parish Eucharist service so that we can look back at all we have done and look forward to all that we hope to do; show our gratitude for everyone who works to serve God and our community; and pray for those committing to serve in the year ahead. The essential business items are covered in the first part of the service and, in place of a sermon, members of the parish will give a brief overview of last year.

This year the APCM falls on the Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Ascension. The story of our salvation begins with the Incarnation when Jesus brings God to be with us in the heart of human life. At the Ascension Jesus takes us with him into the heart of God. This does not mark the ending of Christ’s earthly ministry but its new beginning in us: Our concerns are God’s concerns and God’s concerns are ours. In Luke 24: 44-53, Jesus addresses his disciples: they will no longer see him as one particular person, Jesus of Nazareth, but he will now be present in all those who follow him. “See, I am sending you what my father promised” you will be “clothed with power from on high”. Christ is not absent; Christ is present here with us and in us as we commit ourselves to take God with us into the life our community and bring a little bit of heaven to our patch of earth.

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Recycling Roadshow
Notices, Eco Church Gavin Williams Notices, Eco Church Gavin Williams

Recycling Roadshow

On Saturdays in April through to July, Lambeth Council are organising a series of Recycling Roadshows offering an opportunity to get rid of recyclable waste that can’t be collected as part of the weekly household recycling service.

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Sixth Sunday of Easter
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Sixth Sunday of Easter

We are all experts at loving: between us we have done an awful lot of it; tenderly cared for dying relatives; been alongside loved ones in distress; persistently put the needs of family and friends above our own. But is it enough? In John 15:9-17 Jesus does not just command us to love; he commands us to “do these things” “in order that we might love”. What things? Well, he has just finished washing his disciples’ feet. For Jesus, love is about acts of service, it is about responding to the needs of others. Moreover, it is offered to all indiscriminately, without exception, whether they deserve or not and whether we like it or not. Jesus doesn’t pick and choose, he washes the feet of Judas who will betray him and of Peter who will deny him. It takes the disciples some time to appreciate just how indiscriminate God’s love is. Last week in Acts Peter is astonished when the Ethiopian eunuch demands that he too be baptised. This week, Acts 10:44-48, the disciples are all astounded when it becomes clear that the gift that God has given them God has also given to Cornelius’ household, even though they are gentiles, even though they are Romans. Love that is in the service of the needs of others, love that is given without partiality stretches us beyond our usual acts of loving, takes us out of our comfort zones and out into a world that is crying out for love. The kind of love that can transform the giver, receiver and the world around us. We cannot love like this on our own but God is always going before us (sending Peter to the Ethiopian, pouring the spirit upon Cornelius’s household). God’s love will flow with or without us but God invites us to abide in this love, to share in its outpouring. God choose us so that our joy may be complete.

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Help Fill Our Hamper!
Notices, Giving Gavin Williams Notices, Giving Gavin Williams

Help Fill Our Hamper!

This year, we shall be holding our annual summer fair on Saturday 22 June. 

This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year and helps to support the running of our church and enable our work in the community.

Our hamper raffle is always popular so we should be grateful if you would pick up something to put in it next time you are out shopping. 

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Fifth Sunday of Easter
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Fifth Sunday of Easter

This morning Jesus calls us to be rooted and grounded in him, John 15:1-8, he is the vine we are the branches. Divorced from Christ we can do nothing yet if we abide in him, we must also abide in one another, the branches are all intimately connected. In Acts 8:26-40 we encounter someone who does not feel connected and who experiences the pain and injustice of not belonging. The Ethiopian eunuch is wealthy and educated (he rides in a chariot and reads Isaiah) yet he is enslaved; he has come to Jerusalem to worship yet he is not Jewish and would not have been allowed to enter the temple; he was born male but no longer has the status of a man; and, when Philip meets him, he is travelling the non-man’s land between Jerusalem and Gaza. He feels his outsider status keenly for he recognises in Isaiah’s meditation on the suffering servant, the description of one who, like him, has been “cut off from the land of the living” because he can have no offspring. He is searching scripture for a reflection of himself, for a place where he can belong. We may have many questions for him but he has questions for us: what will it mean for all of us if the gospel is indeed good news for all people, without exception? He holds up for us a mirror and asks us to see if he is reflected there. Is there a space for him in our community? are we, rooted and grounded in Christ, a place where he too can belong?

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Fourth Sunday of Easter
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday and we hear, John 10:11-18, Jesus telling us that he is the good shepherd, the one who lays down his life for his sheep. More than this, he knows the sheep, they belong to him. To whom we belong is also at the heart of Acts 4:5-12. Here the disciples are being questioned by the authorities about healing the man born lame. They appear less interested in the fact that the man is healed than by “what power and what name” he was healed. To whom do the disciples owe allegiance? Are they one of “us” or are they one of “them”. Jesus does not only look after the sheep of this fold, he must gather all the sheep, so that there may be one flock. For him there is no “us” and “them”, we are all one. When we belong to Jesus we also belong to this great flock and they belong to us. If Jesus is out there, finding, gathering and protecting them, we should be alongside him.

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Third Sunday of Easter
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Third Sunday of Easter

Resurrection is harder than it looks. In Acts 3:12-26, the disciples are full of confidence, addressing the crowd immediately after healing a man who was lame. Yet, in Luke 24:36b-48, when the risen Jesus appears to them, they are described as: startled, terrified, frightened, doubtful and unbelieving. Jesus shows them his hands and his feet, he asks them for food, telling them that it really is him, just as they knew him. Perhaps this is the problem. The risen Jesus is too much like the Jesus they knew, still wounded, still hungry. The resurrection has not removed the scars of his mistreatment or his very human needs and limitations. If God’s power can defeat death surely it can make everything new? God’s power is not like human power, it is revealed not in strength but in weakness. By the time we get to Acts, Peter has recognised this, asking the crowd: “why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we had made him walk?” Accepting our weakness and brokenness, our inability to repair our mistakes and fix things on our own is the necessary first step needed before we can allow God’s power to work in us and through us.

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Second Sunday of Easter
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Second Sunday of Easter

Last Sunday we rejoiced at the resurrection, the disciples, however, didn’t. A week later our gospel, John 20:19-31, finds them hiding away in a locked room afraid of what the future holds for them. Thomas often gets a bad press for doubting but the other disciples are not doing much better: Jesus has already come to them offering peace, sending them out as the Father sent him but a week later, when Jesus returns, they still haven’t moved. Perhaps Thomas did not believe them the first time because despite encountering the risen Lord, they hadn’t changed. However, the fact that they doubt, that they fail to act, is what makes them perfect for the job; because the job is forgiveness, and who better to know the joy of forgiveness, the significance of a new beginning, than someone who has been in need of forgiveness not just once but again and again. By the time we come to the story in Acts 4:32-35, the disciples have changed, they have started to live as if new life were truly possible.

Christ is always returning to us, continually offering us the gift of the spirit, repeatedly inviting us to begin again. The fact that we are failures makes us perfect for the job too. Knowing how rubbish we are at being Christian, at doing God’s will, puts us in the perfect position to forgive the faults and failings of others and invite them to begin again alongside us.

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Easter Day Festival Mass
Service, Notices, Lent Ruth Thomas Service, Notices, Lent Ruth Thomas

Easter Day Festival Mass

Our Festival Easter Mass starts at 10.30am. Here we bless the Easter garden and renew our baptismal vows: we die with Christ and are raised by him into new life.

Our readings for both services recount the resurrection and a God who can transform death and failure to new life and hope. This is ultimate power and yet it is shown in vulnerability: God never coerces us, never exerts power over us and so we remain free to respond. In Acts 10. 34-43 Peter responds with confidence, joyfully proclaiming the resurrection. Yet in Mark 12:1-8 the first witnesses of the empty tomb stay silent, for they are afraid. The angel at the tomb offers the possibility of a new beginning, calling the disciples to return again to Galilee. The choice is ours: will we risk following Christ who has gone ahead of us, or we will we hang back, fearful of the new life offered?

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Dawn Service of Light
Service, Easter, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Easter, Notices Ruth Thomas

Dawn Service of Light

Our dawn service starts before the sun has risen at 5am when we light the Paschal Candle from the new Easter fire outside of the church and carry the light of Christ into the dark church. It’s worth getting up early for this magical service where we sing the first alleluia of Easter by candlelight.

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Maundy Thursday
Service, Notices, Lent Ruth Thomas Service, Notices, Lent Ruth Thomas

Maundy Thursday

Today we commemorate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before his death. Our beautiful evening service at 8pm includes feet washing and ends with the stripping of the altar and silent candlelit prayer.

Our Old Testament reading, Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14, recalls the first Passover when God’s people were protected by the blood of the sacrificial lamb. In all the other gospels Jesus dies on the eve of the Passover but in John’s gospel, 13:1-17, 31b – 35, Jesus dies on the Passover, he is the sacrificial lamb who gives his life for us. Teaching us that God’s justice comes not by violence but by vulnerability. Before his death, he kneels to wash his disciples feet, asking us to do the same for one another, to learn both how to serve and be served.

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Planting a seed in your mind…and in a pot
Notices Kathryn Newell Notices Kathryn Newell

Planting a seed in your mind…and in a pot

We are starting to plan for our summer fair which this year will be on 22 June.

Last year, we had a fantastic plant stall which was very popular and we’d like to have a plant stall again this year.

As the weather starts to warm up and we can get outside, please do plant some extra seeds and take extra cuttings for our stall.

If you would like to organise or help on the day then please contact

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Turn up for the books…
Notices Gavin Williams Notices Gavin Williams

Turn up for the books…

We have some books left over from the Christmas Fair that we have been selling on Saturdays during the Lent lunches. 

It’s now time to clear the church in preparation for our Easter celebrations so you can help by taking home any you like and taking any of those left over to your favourite charity shop. 

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Palm Sunday
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday begins with joy as Jesus enters Jerusalem in Mark 11:1-11 surrounded by crowds shouting Hosannah and ends with the same crowds watching his execution on the cross in Mark 14:32-15:39.

At the heart of today’s gospel readings is the question of what kind of God we want and what kind of God we have. The entry into Jerusalem is a beautiful piece of political satire: Jesus is mocking the imperial triumphal entry, when the ruler would enter a city in a chariot hailed by all the most powerful and important people to mark his rule over them. Here Jesus is on a donkey, hailed by the poor and the dispossessed. During his subsequent arrest, trial and execution there are many ironic references to his kingship:

Pilate refers to him three times as the King of the Jews and then has the term inscribed above him on the cross; the soldiers mock him as King whilst flogging him; and the scribes taunt him as he is dying “Let the messiah, the King of Israel come down from the cross.”

In Mark’s version of the passion Jesus is almost entirely silent except when he is asked by the High Priest if he is the Messiah. Jesus replies “I am”. This is not just an affirmative answer: I AM are the words that God uses to describe Godself. Here, when all human power is stripped away, God is revealed. A ruler who never exerts power over others but gives his own power away for the sake of others.

In the midst of all the human attempts to retain power, gain power, secure power in this story: the disciples’ denial, the High Priests pandering, Pilates capitulation to the crowd, here is the divine counterpoint. A God who never coerces, never manipulates, never uses power over anyone.

God gives us freedom and asks us to consider our own power and how we use it.

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Fifth Sunday of Lent
Service, Notices Ruth Thomas Service, Notices Ruth Thomas

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Over the course of Lent we have been reminded of God’s covenants with Noah, Abraham and Moses. Today, Jeremiah, 31:31-34, foretells a time when God will make “a new covenant” with all God’s people. This covenant will not be written in a sign in the sky (like Noah’s rainbow); nor in ritual (like Abraham’s circumcision); nor on tablets of stone (like Moses’ laws) but in our hearts. Nothing will stand between us and God, each of us is invited into a relationship with God. This is what the Greeks in John 12:20-33 are seeking when they ask to see Jesus. In response Jesus speaks of glory, which means God’s presence. The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified, for God to be glorified. Jesus is telling us that the presence of God is fully seen in him at the moment when he gives all of himself for God. This glory, this presence of God is available to each of us when we empty out ourselves and give God room to shine in our lives. Such glorification may seem like a death, like a grain of wheat falling to the ground; our selfish concerns, our attachment to all that separates us from God and one another, needs to fall away in order that the life of God can spring forth in us. Paradoxically, this giving up and giving away, allows us to become most fully ourselves: the glory of God is humanity fully alive.

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