and other rites of passage
Baptism marks the beginning of a Christian life.
A sacrament, it is a sign of God’s love for his children, and marks a new beginning and a decision to follow Jesus.
Baptisms at Holy Spirit Clapham usually take place on the first Sunday of the month, during the Parish Mass at 10.30 am.
If there are people you would like to share your Baptism with but who can't attend in person, we are able to welcome them to the service via Zoom and broadcast it on Facebook or YouTube.
There is further information on baptism on the Church of England website.
If you are interested, please contact Mother Ruth.
First Communion
At Holy Spirit Clapham, we welcome children of eight years of age and older (who have been baptised) to join with their family in receiving the bread and wine at the Lord's Supper.
We run a short course once a year to help children understand the step they are taking. The course runs for approximately six weeks, once a week after school, ending with a movie night with cake and pizza!
If you are interested, please contact Mother Ruth.
Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live a life of committed Christian discipleship.
This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the Bishop. Confirmation follows a course of preparation over several weeks which begins some two months before the Confirmation service.
If you are interested, please contact Mother Ruth.