
Mothering Sunday 30th March at 10:30am
All-age Service with daffodils and cake sale

Palm Sunday 13th April
Donkey-led Procession at 10.15am
from corner of Elms Crescent and Abbeville Road
Eucharist with Passion Drama at 10.30am

Maundy Thursday 17th April at 8pm
Eucharist of Last Supper with foot washing

Good Friday 19th April
Family Workshop 10am-12noon (making hot cross buns and the Easter Garden)
Stations of the Cross at 12noon
followed by Good Friday Liturgy

Easter Sunday 20th April
Dawn Service with Easter Fire at 5am
Easter Day Festival Mass at 10.30am

Unless otherwise stated, all events take place at:
Parish Church of Holy Spirit, Clapham
Narbonne Avenue, London SW4 9JU

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For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
— John 3.16