It is the generosity of regular givers which makes our work possible throughout the year: clergy, night shelter, silver socials, heat & light, building maintenance, music – all this relies on generous people like yourself. All giving is welcome of course, but becoming a regular giver makes a big difference.
Regular giving
The best way you can support this work is with a regular donation. We use a service provided by the Church of England called the Parish Giving Scheme where you can do it all in one. To start up a regular gift from your bank by direct debit simply click on this link and choose Regular Giving.
One-off gift
If you would like to make a single gift to the church, then we use a service which allows you to give using your card or via Apple Pay/Google Pay. Please click here to make a single gift. If you prefer to give via bank transfer our bank details are: PCC Church of the Holy Spirit, Clapham, 40-01-07, account 21106244.
Legacies and Bequests
If you wish to discuss a legacy or bequest, please contact our Mother Ruth (vicar@ or our Treasurers ( Some helpful advice can be found on the Church of England legacies website here.