Individual generosity
Holy Spirit Clapham receives no grant from the Church of England or anywhere else. It’s through individuals’ charitable donations that our work is possible.
Throughout the year, providing a warm, dry and bright place for our activities, a tranquil place for prayer, funds to support our wonderful tradition of church music, a night shelter for the homeless, our weekly Silver Socials for the elderly, our summer and Christmas fairs, are only possible thanks to those who are able to donate.
Regular giving
All giving is welcome but regular giving makes an enormous difference. The best way you can support us is with a regular donation.
Holy Spirit Clapham uses a service provided by the Church of England called Parish Giving which makes the process as simple as can be. To set up a regular donation, click here and choose Regular Giving.
If you’re already a regular giver (thank you) but have yet to move to Parish Giving, you can do so in the same way (just don’t forget to cancel your old direct debt or standing order after you’ve done so).
One-off and
occasional gifts
If you would like to make a one-off gift, please click here.
If you prefer to give via bank transfer our bank details are: account name “PCC of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Clapham”, sort code 40-01-07, account number 21106244. Please include your name in the reference if you wish to claim (and enable us to claim) Gift Aid, please contact our Treasuers (treasurer@holyspirit-clapham.org.uk) to make a Gift Aid declaration.
Legacies and Bequests
If you wish to discuss a legacy or bequest, please contact Mother Ruth (vicar@ holyspirit-clapham.org.uk) or our Treasurers (treasurer@holyspirit-clapham.org.uk).
Some helpful advice can be found on the Church of England legacies website here.