Christmas at Holy Spirit

Dates for the diary

Saturday 30th November 12-4pm
Christmas Fair

Saturday 7th December 3pm-4.30pm
Kids’ Christmas Craft Workshop

Wednesday 4th December 7-9.30pm
Wreath Making Workshop

Sunday 15th December 4-5pm
Carols by Candlelight

Sunday 22nd December 6.30-7.30pm
Traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Christmas Eve - Tuesday 24th December
Christingle Service* family nativity service 4pm
Midnight Mass 11.30pm

Christmas Day - Monday 25th December
Christmas Festival Eucharist 10.30am

*All Christmas services will be streamed live and available afterwards on YouTube, except for Christingle

This year, our Christmas charities are South London Christmas Dinner, The Childrens Society and the DEC Middle East Appeal (via Christian Aid)

IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
— John 1