Good Friday
Family Workshop at 10am when we make hot cross buns together and build the Easter Garden.
Stations of the Cross at 12 noon when we follow Christ’s journey to the cross.
Maundy Thursday
Today, we commemorate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before his death. Our beautiful evening service at 8pm includes feet washing and ends with the stripping of the altar and silent candlelit prayer.
Our Old Testament reading, Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14, recalls the first Passover when God’s people were protected by the blood of the sacrificial lamb. In all the other gospels Jesus dies on the eve of the Passover but in John’s gospel, 13:1-17, 31b – 35, Jesus dies on the Passover, he is the sacrificial lamb who gives his life for us. Teaching us that God’s justice comes not by violence but by vulnerability. Before his death, he kneels to wash his disciples feet, asking us to do the same for one another, to learn both how to serve and be served.
Palm Sunday
Today marks the beginning of Passiontide: a week of following Christ’s last days on earth. This is a time when we reflect upon the difference between our expectations of ourselves, the world and God; and on God’s expectations for us: always surprising, always unexpected, creating possibilities we never dared hope for.
In the Liturgy of the Palms, Matthew 21.1-11, Jesus’ followers are expecting Jesus to enter Jerusalem like a conquering hero but instead he enters on a donkey.
At the Liturgy of the Passion, Matthew 26.17-27.54, Jesus now reveals the true nature of his leadership: to become the servant of all, a sacrifice for many: a leader who will give instead of taking, who will serve instead of being served, who will bring salvation instead of judgement.
Evensong for the Fifth Sunday in Lent
On Sunday 25th March at 6.30pm in church, our monthly choral Evensong service.
Family Service at 9am for the Fifth Sunday of Lent
On the last Sunday of Lent, before we begin our journey through Christ’s death and resurrection, our readings give us a glimpse of God’s power and God’s promise.
In Ezekiel 37.1-14, the prophet has a vision of a field of dry bones being raised to life by the breath of God’s spirit. In John 11.1-45, Jesus’ final miracle is to raise Lazarus from the dead. These texts, together with the Easter story, are often used to support a belief in life after death: that when we, individually die, our life will continue with God.
They offer us a far more miraculous promise: that we, together, as the whole people of God, may be raised to new life now, in this time, in this place. These promises are not given to individuals but to communities: Ezekiel is told that the field of dry bones represents the people of Israel; Lazarus is not raised in private, it is his community that unbinds him and sets him free.
This is not hope for tomorrow but for today: how will we, as people of God, trust the promise God gives us that we have the power to transform our common life together and bring life to the world?
Mothering Sunday
Today is Mothering Sunday and our readings tell us the story of two mothers: Mary, mother of Christ, John 19.25-27 and Jochebed, mother of Moses, Exodus 2.1-10. Both stories reveal the cost of mothering: the effort it takes to nurture a child and keep them safe from harm, and the heartbreak that ensues when you can no longer protect them from the world.
They also tell us that mothering is for everyone: we all need to be mothered (not just as infants but throughout our lives) and we are all needed as mothers, whoever we are. The beloved disciple at the foot of the cross must now mother Mary in her grief; Pharaoh’s daughter, her foreign slave girls and Miriam, the little Hebrew sister, must work together to provide Moses with the mothering he needs to survive.
He will go on to be Mother to his people, just as Jesus will become Christ, our precious mother.
Third Sunday of Lent
We can all empathise with the people of God in Exodus 17.1-7, falling out and quarrelling when life gets tough.
How can they trust in God, how can they follow God into the future when they are struggling? The answer is found in trusting each other. In our gospel, John 4.5-42, Jesus begins the process of healing a quarrel that has gone on for much longer, that between the Jews and the Samaritans.
He comes to the Samaritan admitting his need of her, he is thirsty. When he offers her something in return, she asks first for this water for herself but soon she is hurrying to share it with the rest of her community.
When life is hard, the challenge for us is to trust, not only in God but in one another.
Lent Talks: Quakers in the 21st Century - Time for a new business model?
Our Lent Talk, Quakers in the 21st Century - Time for a new business model? by Simon Lawson is on Wednesday 15th March at 7.30pm at Church of the Holy Spirit Clapham, Narbonne Avenue, London SW4 9JU (nearest Tube Clapham Common or Clapham South).
Second Sunday of Lent
This week, our readings explore what it means to journey with God.
In Genesis 12:1-4, Abram leaves his home and all that he knows behind; he does not know where he is headed, only that God is leading him. In John 3:1-17, Nicodemus struggles following where Jesus leads; he is bewildered and uncertain. Jesus asks him to let go of all he holds close in order that he may begin again, be reborn, who in their right mind would want to start again?
Journeying with God requires courage, we risk the unknown, not just where we are headed but who we will become in the process.
Evensong for First Sunday in Lent
On Sunday 26th February at 6.30pm in church we shall hold our monthly choral Evensong service.
Family Service for the First Sunday in Lent
Today we begin our journey through Lent, a time when we reflect not only on Christ’s journey but on our own: who are we? What are we here for? Both of our readings explore the voices and opinions of others and how they impact on our own sense of identity.
Sunday before Lent
The Transfiguration serves to strengthen the disciples (and the subsequent readers of the gospel) in the face of suffering and hardship, but it is more than this: in the Gospel when the disciples get over their fear and look again at Jesus they see “only Jesus himself”, the ordinary, everyday Jesus that they are used to sharing their ordinary, everyday lives with. The message of the transfiguration is that the glory of God can be present in an ordinary human being: the light of God can be seen in the faces of friends and strangers and the power of God can break in at any time and in any place.
NEW! Family Service | 9am Every Fourth Sunday of the Month
Kids, bring your grown ups for juice, croissants and coffee from 8.30am, with the new Family Service incorporating Holy Communion at 9am. Starts 26th February!
Second Sunday before Lent
No worries! Who is Jesus kidding when he tells us not to worry (Matthew 6:25-34)? Worry is an essential part of life, it helps us to focus on what matters. And that’s Christ’s point, what does matter to us? When we focus solely on our own survival, success and security, worry has a tendency to grow exponentially, as we concentrate on what we lack and not what we have. Instead, Jesus asks us to shift focus and concentrate on the kingdom of God.
At first, this might appear to give us a whole pile of new worries: the health and well being of the whole planet and all people in it. The letter to the Romans 8.18-25, agrees: comparing this concern for the bringing in of the kingdom to the pains of labour.
Yet, the pains of labour are bearable because we know that we are bringing new life to birth. Happiness involves a certain level of self-forgetfulness, an ability to look beyond our own lives and see how they are intimately connected with lives of others and the whole of creation. In doing so we shift our focus from what we don’t have, to what we do have and how we can use it.
Today is the last outing for the Nativity figures until next Christmas; we celebrate Candlemas, the day when we turn our attention from Christmas and Epiphany towards Lent and Easter.
As we remember Anna and Simeon’s recognition of the infant Jesus as light of world, we commit ourselves to carrying that light into the world around us. Today we also welcome Hugo and Felix in baptism. Just as Christ was presented at the temple by his parents, Hugo and Felix will be brought to church to be recognised, not just as children of earthly parents but also as children of God.
Our gospel, Luke 2:22-40, the acknowledgment of the infant Christ as the place where earth and heaven meet. The story brings together male and female, old and young, rich and poor and human and divine, embracing all human life in the love of God.
We too are called to embrace the diversity of God’s people to become the place where Christ’s light shines.
Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
Who wants to be blessed if it means being reviled, persecuted, hungry and powerless? Blessed a word used to describe those whom God favoured. Micah 6:1-8 describes a people who are desperate to get God’s blessing. But, because they understand blessing to be about stuff, they give God stuff in the hope that he will give them more in return.
Micah disappoints them: God does not want your thousands of rams or your rivers of oil. Instead, God wants you to live lives of justice and mercy. God, it turns out is not transactional. God is relational: Yet we persist in thinking of God as some divine balancer of the books.
So, when it comes to the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12, where the blessed are described as the poor, the meek and those who suffer, we tend to read them in a spiritual way: blessed are those who suffer in this life because God will compensate them in the next life. Nope! The beatitudes too are about relationship: that between those who mourn and those who comfort them; those who are hungry and those who feed them; those who suffer injustice and those who fight for justice. None of us are ever on one side or the other: at times we will need comfort, at times we will be able to offer it. The beatitudes tell us not that suffering is good but that relationship is good, community is good, connectedness is good. What do we need to be blessed? We need one another.
Lent talks
Wednesday 8 March, 7.30p.m.
Allison Clark of St. Paul’s, Rectory Grove will talk about the role the church can play in encouraging change to preserve the planet.
Simon Lawson
Wednesday 15 March, 7.30p.m.
Simon is a Quaker and runs his business, Lawsons, on Quaker principles looking to avoid a culture of wilful blindness.
New year, new Sunday services...
ith the new year comes a new pattern to our Sunday services.
Every fourth Sunday of the month, there will be
a short Said Mass at 8a.m.
breakfast from around 8.30a.m.
our new Family Service at 9a.m. and…
a choral Evensong at 6.30p.m.
Each other Sunday of the month, the pattern will remain as before, namely
Pram Service at 8a.m. and
Parish Mass at 10.30a.m. (with Junior Church)