Your chance to serve!

We have vacancies to serve on Sunday mornings as Sacristan or as various types of Server. Here’s your chance to serve!


Sacristans are the people who prepare the altar, bread and wine and vicar’s books and robes for our main Sunday morning 10.30a.m. service.

Each week the person on Sacristan duty needs to be at Church for 9.45am in advance of the start of the service at 10.30am and to remain behind afterwards to assist the servers in putting away items in the correct places.

At present, we have three sacristans and are seeking another one or two people to help us in order to share out the duties.


Servers are the people who serve at the altar, helping the vicar to lead the service in a dignified and attentive manner.

At present, we have two acolytes (the candle bearers), one crucifer (who carries the processional cross) and a thurifer (who carries the thurible containing the burning incense).

In recent years “boat” boys and girls have assisted the thurifer and we would be pleased to reintroduce them to the Sunday services too.

Servers need to be at church by 10.00am to put on the gowns (albs) and prepare for the service and at the end of the service to wash the silver and tidy away the items used.

Vacancies exist for all serving roles – there are no age limits and the younger children can graduate from boat boy or girl to acolyte, crucifer or thurifer as they grow up.

Training will be provided.

If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Mother Ruth (

Alan Mundy

Alan is Head Server and edits Parish News, the newsletter of Holy Spirit Clapham


Third Sunday after Trinity


Evensong - cancelled