Giving: a cornerstone of discipleship

On 8 August, as part of efforts to reinvigorate our finances, members of the PCC and others gathered in church for a three-hour evening workshop focused on giving.

The Cornerstone workshop, organised by PCC Secretary, Rhian Granleese, and delivered by Father Trevor Marshall (Church of England National Giving Ministry Advisor), explored generosity as a facet of Christian discipleship.

Father Trevor placed great emphasis on generosity writ large and set financial donations alongside the volunteering of time and talents. The group reflected on all forms of giving, including one-off donations, regular giving, as well as bequests and legacies.

The in-depth discussion provided timely inspiration with our Harvest Festival and the Church of England’s Generosity Week just around the corner.

Gavin Williams

Gavin is a Churchwarden and the Parish Safeguarding Officer of Holy Spirit Clapham


Eleventh Sunday after Trinity


Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Blessed Virgin Mary)