Our church
Everyone is welcome at Holy Spirit, Clapham. We are an inclusive, diverse community of people from all walks of life, united by our love of God and our hope to serve the local community.
We meet on Sundays and throughout the week for fellowship, prayer and worship in church and online.
Holy Spirit, Clapham is one of the Church of England parishes making up the Lambeth North Deanery of the Diocese of Southwark.
We are a member of Churches Together in Clapham and Inclusive Church. Our work together is focused on the three pillars of Faith, Hope and Love.
Discovering more of God helps us to understand who we are and why we’re here.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, questioning and exploring together strengthens our knowledge of God and one another. Deepening our understanding of what it means to live a Christian life underpins everything else we do at Holy Spirit, Clapham.
We have a regular pattern of prayer and worship from quiet morning prayer during the week, to the noisy Pram Service and sung Parish Eucharist on Sundays.
We encourage questioning, debating and learning together and offer preparation classes for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, together with seasonal study groups and a speaker and discussion series Beyond Sunday.
Children and young people are not just our future, they are central to our community. We want children to feel at home in church.
Junior Church runs during term time for school aged children with learning, crafts and games. Our Pram Service offers a chance for our youngest members to make a mess…and a noise.
We run regular classes to prepare children and young people for both First Communion and Confirmation.
We host visits from local schools and love welcoming children of all ages to our big festivals: From costumes competitions at All Hallow’s E’en, the Christingle nativity, baking hot cross buns, flipping pancakes or feeding the Palm Sunday donkey - your children will find a home from home at Holy Spirit, Clapham.
Loving God means loving our neighbours. We are passionate about finding ways for everyone to be involved in serving our community.
Our Silver Socials group offers a weekly opportunity for our most-experienced members to enjoy one another’s company in a welcoming environment.
Partnerships with soup kitchen Ace of Clubs, the Robes winter night shelter, and our local Food Bank enable us to help those of our neighbours most in need.
Music plays a leading part in both our worship and our community with opportunities to sing and perform in the choir week to week and enjoy seasonal concerts.
Our commitment to becoming an Eco Church lends shape to our care for God’s creation.
Social events from the ever-popular Quiz Night to Bring-and-Share Lunches draw us closer together as a community, and our Christmas Fair and Summer Fair serve as lively fundraisers to support our work throughout the year.
“Send us out in the power of your Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory.”